Oldham Council is inviting residents to a poignant event at Oldham Library to commemorate the contribution local people have made to the war effort.
The Stories from Conflicts event on Saturday, November 1, is part of the local authority’s Oldham Remembers campaign – and will feature presentations about stories from World War One, World War Two and other conflicts.
Former paratrooper Dan Jarvis MP (Barnsley Central) will talk about WW1 and his own experiences in the armed forces serving in Afghanistan and Kosovo. Oldham Theatre Workshop will also be delivering a special production on the day.
Jim McMahon, Oldham Council Leader and Councillor Cath Ball, Assistant Cabinet Member for World War One Centenary, will speak proudly about “Oldham Remembers”, which is bringing people from across the borough and beyond together in remembrance.
After the presentations, visitors will get the chance to learn how to record and research their own stories and past.
The free event takes place in the Educational Suite within the Greaves Street-based library from 1pm to 3pm. Just turn up on the day.
Councillor Ball said: “It is only right and proper that we remember all those who died in conflicts around the world.
“We hope that through a number of commemorative events taking place around the borough that we can bring communities together and support the extraordinary work our forces do.
“Most people will have some connection to the two world wars and other conflicts in some way. In many cases this will be through family history or a serving friend or relative. So let’s unite in honouring these people who have, or are, protecting our country and remember those who have fallen.”
Visit our website www.oldhamremembers.org.uk to find out more about numerous events taking place around the borough.
To get involved in Oldham’s commemorations to mark 100 years since the start of World War One; visit www.oldhamremembers.org.uk or email oldhamremembers@oldham.gov.uk