Bulky Bob’s is relaunching the bulky household waste collection service in Oldham with a new van, a new Bob and a new service for businesses.

The social enterprise has been collecting unwanted furniture, white goods and much more from Oldham homes for the past 8 years on behalf of Oldham Council and have just won a new contract for a further 2 years. Bulky Bob’s works with local referral agencies to give away any suitable furniture to families in need and recycle as much of the rest as possible.

Bulky Bob’s is now offering the collection service to local landlords and businesses, again giving away what they collect where possible to local people and community groups. Bulky Bob’s has also launched a new office and commercial waste service, with confidential shredding and office recycling available.

Mick Hart, Bulky Bob’s Operations Manager, said: “We’re delighted to be continuing to deliver this service to the people of Oldham, and to be expanding the range of services we offer to include landlords and businesses.”

Councillor Barbara Brownridge, Oldham Council’s Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Co-operatives, said: “Over the years hundreds of residents have used Bulky Bob’s to dispose of their unwanted household goods. The service is the cheapest in Greater Manchester and we are pleased people across the borough will be able to use it for years to come.

“As a council we are committed to making it as easy as possible for residents to dispose of, and recycle, their unwanted goods, which protects the local environment and saves money. Also the recycling of quality goods means other residents, who may not be able to afford them, will get use out of them.”   

Bulky Bob’s is also a registered charity and has helped over 300 people into sustainable employment through Driving Change, a paid-training programme focusing on logistics and warehouse skills.

They can collect up to three bulky or large items from homes for just £17.43 with additional items at £8.20 each. Anyone entitled to an assisted bin collection, (those with a physical disability, pregnant, or infirm due to old age and no other permanent householders over 18), can also receive one free bulky household collection each year.

Bulky Bob’s also sells preloved furniture items at low prices from their warehouse at Unit A, Oldham Central Trading Park, Oldham, OL1 4EB.

For more information on what Bulky Bob’s collects and how to book your collection, please visit www.bulkybobs.co.uk/



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