Mysterious-Mr-Love-300x202Saddleworth Players kick off their 2013 – 14 season later this month with “The Mysterious Mr Love” by Karoline Leech playing at Delph’s Millgate Arts Centre from Saturday 21st to Saturday 28th September.

This wonderful play throws together two characters in a mix of suspense, trickery and passion. Season subscriptions for all plays are available at £35 per person by contacting Maricar Shepherd on 01457 871736. Public bookings open Saturday 7th September. Individual tickets are priced at £8.

Other plays in the new season are “Improbable Fiction” by comedy writer Alan Ayckbourn playing 16th – 23rd November. Another comedy starts off the new year with “Quartet” by Ronald Harwood playing from 25th January to 1st February. The thriller “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie plays from 5th to 12th April and finally rounding off the season with another comedy “All In Good Time” by Bill Naughton which plays from 31st may to 7th June.

A new feature at Millgate Arts Centre this year is online booking.

A spokesperson for the arts centre explained: “We have now fully computerised our ticket sales operation allowing customers to choose and book seats via the internet, and receive etickets direct via email. We hope to have a smooth transition onto the new system and that some customers will see the benefits in being able to order online and also use debit and credit cards which is also a new facility for us. We will maintain all other sales options such as telephone, postal and direct booking.”

Full details of the season are available in the newly released brochure which is available in local outlets, or check out the web site at

You can contact the box office directly on 01457 874644, and follow the Twitter feed @millgatearts.



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