Garth Harkness

Parish Councillor Garth Harkness who represents Springhead Lower Ward sent the following letter to the editor of  Diggle News. The Liberal Democrat councillor has mixed feelings about the quality of teamwork in the Parish Council.

‘Since becoming a member of the Parish Council I have seen some good examples of  teamwork and some that are not. The proposals for the Parish Council to take a lead in improving winter gritting is a good cross-party initiative. There have already been some positive meetings with Oldham Council and hopefully the Borough will provide some extra resources to enable the Parish Council to improve snow clearance and gritting across the District.

On the other hand, something that has annoyed me is an example where Ken Hulme has decided that he will boycott all official channels. It is disappointing that the Borough Council  and MP are endorsing a Ken Hulme appointed transport group that has shunned a dialogue with borough councillors, parish councillors and the Saddleworth & Lees District Partnership. When I asked our MP to clarify, I received a reply from the ‘Indepenedent’ Ken Hulme and not her. This is not what I expect from our MP.

As Vice Chairman of the Parish Council, Ken Hulme could have voiced his traffic concerns at the joint sub-committee of the District Partnership set up to address traffic issues in Saddleworth. This has officers and residents in attendnce as well as locally elected members of the Borough and Parish Councils. He has never attended these meetings or addressed any concerns there about traffic he may have.

Most of us are trying to work together on the Parish for the good of the District, as the recent winter gritting and boundary initiatives demonstrate. If he truly wants to improve traffic issues in Saddleworth and effect change, he should address his concerns through the channels specifically set up to address these issues. He has been wasting the time of Delph residents for two years calling local meetings and achieving nothing. He would achieve a lot more if he started working with his colleagues as a member of a team.’

Lib-Dem Councillor Gareth Harkness

The views and opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not represent the views and opinions of the the editor. Letters may be edited.



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