This plan is currently only a suggestion

This plan is currently only a suggestion

Notwithstanding the need for a new Saddleworth School, having now seen the full extent of the proposals and the impact this will have on Diggle village and its residents, I am now strongly of the opinion that that the present scheme should be abandoned.

The cost in terms of the loss of a beautiful rural valley and the negative impact the development will have on the quality of life for hundreds of Diggle residents does not justify the present hurriedly put together and flawed scheme.

I would urge residents to protest at the present proposals.  It is clear  there is no easy fix that will make them acceptable.  I feel that the scheme  should be abandoned in favour of a better site, preferably the present one and that more time and consultation should be given in arriving at a better solution, one that we can be proud of and one that protects Saddleworth rural character and beauty.

There is never only one chance for government funding.  I believe a much better result would be achieved by a more considered and better funded approach to the new school and that residents should work in partnership with the school and authorities to make a future bid for funds to achieve this.

If anyone feels the same as I do and would like to form a protest group please ask them to contact me on 01457-820015 or

Cllr. Mike Buckley, Saddleworth

Parish Councillor,

Representing Dobcross and Diggle

Please leave a comment below.  It will help me as editor of Diggle News to gauge how the public are feeling.

The views and comments expressed in letters to the editor do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the editor. Letters may be edited.



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