The South Pennines Fire Operations Group (FOG) has warned of the danger posed by wildfires, which can strike anywhere in the South Pennines, to endangered wildlife, farm livestock, valuable habitat and human health.
As good weather both dries out the peatland and encourages more people into the countryside the likelihood of wildfires increases at this time of year, explained Danny Jackson, FOG chairman. “Spring is a real danger period for moorland wildfires, which is why the partners working together through FOG, including firefighters, local authorities, local police and landowners, are asking members of the public to be extra vigilant when out in the countryside.
“The negative impact of wildfires across the moors is widely recognised, including the economic impact on farmers through the loss of grazing,” said Danny. “The loss of habitat and the effect that these fires have on nesting birds, such as the endangered twite, can also clearly be seen but in addition we want to highlight the hidden dangers; the pollution, the release of carbon into the atmosphere, and the impact on people’s health.”
Between October 1 and April 15 some controlled burning by landowners takes place, but a fire started outside of these dates, or without the appropriate control measures, is a wildfire and any person caught starting one can be prosecuted for arson.
Adam Greenwood, wildfire officer for the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, said the message was clear: “Please be very careful when you are out on the moors. Dispose of any glass bottles and cigarettes in a responsible manner and remember to use your barbecue at home rather than on the moors. If you see a wildfire please report it through the 999 service giving its location as precisely as possible. And we would also ask people to report anyone acting suspiciously.
“Until recently moorland fires were seen as a low priority but now the uplands are recognised as being as valuable as bricks and mortar. If the peat burns it can be very difficult to extinguish and these fast moving fires in off-road locations can be tiring for firefighting crews and resource intensive, which means that we may be stretched if fires occur elsewhere,” he added.
Established by the rural regeneration company for the South Pennines, Pennine Prospects, Fire Operations Group brings together representatives from the three fire services of the area, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and West Yorkshire; the area’s water companies Yorkshire Water and United Utilities, as well as private estates; the six South Pennines local authorities and Natural England.
Mr Greenwood added: “Through the Fire Operations Group landowners can see how the fire services operate and how they can assist when dealing with a wildfire. They know the areas well and have their own specialist equipment, such as all-terrain vehicles, as well as additional human resources to tackle fires. We are firefighting together.”
And hopefully this will also benefit the wildlife at risk, including the twite, which is an endangered species on the national red list. Fires during their breeding season can have a devastating impact said Robin Gray, South Pennines Local Nature Partnership Development Manager.
“Twite is England’s most threatened song bird with only approximately 100 breeding pairs, the majority of which breed on moorland to the north of the M62,” Robin explained. “Many farmers in the Calderdale area have been working really hard to restore meadows and pasture where twite feed so that this enigmatic little finch isn’t lost from England, it would be very sad if moorland fires meant that this effort was wasted.”