Letter from Oldham Council informing residents of Diggle about the forthcoming improvements to the Carriageway on Huddersfield Road.

Re: Huddersfield Road, Diggle / Carriageway Works

We shall shortly be carrying out the reconstruction of the carriageway outside your property. The Highways Services Division of the Council will carry out the work.

Due to the nature of the work some disruption will be inevitable, although I will endeavour to keep this to a minimum.

The planing out and resurfacing works will be carried out on site on Sunday 1st March and Sunday 8th March 2015.

I would appreciate if you can arrange for your vehicle, if any, to be parked away from the area between the hours of 6:00am and 4:00pm on both Sundays so the works can completed with minimum disruption. Access will be maintained wherever possible.

Should you have any problems regarding operations on site please contact the Assistant Operations Manager for the works Mr Geoff Roberts on 0161 770 3326 or geoff.roberts@oldham.gov.uk

The Council is constantly striving to prove its services to its customers and I am sure you will welcome the improvements the works will bring to the area over the coming weeks.

The post Huddersfield Road, Diggle / Carriageway Works appeared first on Diggle News.



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