Work to improve the drainage and pitch layout at Churchill Playing Fields is due to start on site next Monday 27 February 2012.

The table below shows the expected timing of the works although this may vary as some parts of the contract will be dependant on the weather.

Activity Time Period
Enabling Works 27 February to mid-March 2012 
Excavation and installing main drains Mid March to end March 2012 
Pitch levelling , lateral drains, amelioration, cultivation and seeding (Area 1 – Carr Lane end) March –April 2012 
Pitch levelling, lateral drains, amelioration, cultivation and seeding (Area 2 – WellingtonRoad end)


April – May/June 2012
Construction of new hard standing  May / June 2012
Establishment period – maintenance, grass cutting, sand slitting and top dressing  June to September/October 2012

District Co-ordinator Lisa McDonald stated that during the works and establishment period, there will be restricted access to the playing fields for health and safety reasons and to ensure the scheme is given the best chance of success.

Contract Arrangements

The contractor has agreed to work between the hours of 7.30am and 5.30pm and there will be no weekend working without prior agreement, if this does become necessary later in the contract the public will be informed.

Progress Updates

There will be regular progress updates through the local press and the Councils Web Site 

Contact details

Should you have any concerns/queries about the works taking place at Churchill Playing Fields please contact 0161 770  4056  or  email at:



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