24th December (Christmas Eve) – Family Disco, Diggle Band Club, 3pm and 8pm.
28th December – The Cherry Hintons Bluegrass Band, Diggle Band Club, tickets £5 with a pie and pea’s hot supper, doors open at 7.30pm
31st December (New Years Eve) – Jo Taylor’s Hootnanny, Diggle Band Club, 7.30pm till late. Bring the family and see in the New Year with friends, neighbours.
5th January – Coffee Morning, St Chad Parish Centre, Station Road, Uppermill. Entry £1 and includes a coffee and a cake. In aid of Dr Kershaw’s Hospice. Visit: www.saddleworthteam-cofe.org.uk for more information.
26th January – The Junkhouse Dog Blues Band, Diggle Band Club, Tickets are £5 with a pie and pea’s supper, doors open 7.30pm.
3rd February – Come Dine With Us, Diggle Band Club, have your Sunday lunch cooked by Ravenstone Catering, a fantastic 3 course meal for under £10, contact the club for details.
3 March – St Chad’s Day Celebratory Meal, Kilngreen Church, Diggle at 1pm. Tickets: adults £15.00 each (includes glass of wine/juice at the welcome) children: £7.50 each. There will be light entertainment during the meal and a raffle. For tickets contact: Liz Rooke: 01457 810666 or Alison Coates: 01457 876760. For further information go to: www.saddleworthteam-cofe.org.uk