VOLUNTEERS: (Back L to R) Phil Smith, Canal & River Trust, Liz O’Driscoll, Glenise Eason, Barbara Barnes; (Front L to R) George Brooks and Mark Brook.
By Aimee Belmore – August 24, 2016
DIGGLE COMMUNITY Association is working with The Canal and River Trust to help to look after the Diggle stretch of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal.
VOLUNTEERS: (Back L to R) Phil Smith, Canal & River Trust, Liz O’Driscoll, Glenise Eason, Barbara Barnes; (Front L to R) George Brooks and Mark Brook.
This stretch of canal brings delight to many locals and visitors who marvel at its surroundings and unique flight of locks.
But with increasing popularity the canal requires an extra attention – so DCA volunteers are helping to make a difference.
The working group meets every two or three weeks and spends two hours, usually on a Saturday morning, maintaining the locks, picking litter and keeping towpaths accessible and clean.
Over the past few months the DCA volunteers have helped to remove 40 bags of rubbish, paint the Canal and River Trust cabin and rebuild a partly collapsed stone wall.
Mark Brooks DCA chair, said: “The next event is scheduled for Saturday, September 3 from 10:30am – 12:30pm.
“The session will be aimed at improving and making the towpath nearest the railway line more accessible and user friendly.
“As well as our regular litter picks this will be our on-going project for the next few months.
“Everyone is welcome to attend the sessions. Come and join the fun, meet new friends and help to look after a beautiful Saddleworth asset.”
Equipment, gloves and tuition is provided. Further information about getting involved can be obtained by emailing Mark Brooks: DCAChairman@gmail.com