Saddleworth Church

In the year 2015 St. Chad parish church (Saddleworth Church) will celebrate 800 years of Christian worship and as part of the yearlong celebrations, we are proposing to publish a new history of the church and the impact it has had in Saddleworth.

This is a huge undertaking by the church. Under the expert leadership of Mr. Alan Petford, we hope to form a research group of people to help with the basic research upon which the new history will be based. We would welcome the assistance of anyone interested in local history, church history, or just in research.

An open meeting has been arranged for Thursday, 21st June, 2012, at in the Museum Gallery, Uppermill, when Mr. Petford will briefly outline the project, give guidance on how the research group will work and answer any questions.

If you are interested in labouring in this particular vineyard please come to the meeting.  If you can’t attend the meeting but would like more information please ring Mrs. Lily Hopkinson on 01457 873745.



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