Oldham Council has announced a full schedule of dates and venues for the public consultation on its plans for a new look town centre.

An ambitious regeneration masterplan across five strategic sites was recently unveiled at a launch event in the Egyptian Room at the Old Town Hall and was seen by hundreds of people. The plans centre on significant areas of publicly-owned land where many sites are under-utilised or have buildings coming to the end of their economic life.

Totalling around 21 acres in size, these include Tommyfield Market, the Civic Centre, Oldham Police Station, the former Oldham Sports Centre and Oldham Magistrates’ Court, and the current Oldham Coliseum Theatre. The masterplan seeks to change Oldham town centre to match our aspirations for it to be an even more vibrant place with high-quality attractions, an excellent cultural and shopping offer and a night-time economy making it stand out as a destination in Greater Manchester and beyond.

The benefits will be the building of new homes, 55,000 square metres of new/refurbished employment space and economic activity worth an extra £50million each year to Oldham’s economy.

Residents, businesses and partners are all invited to attend any of the ‘drop in’ sessions announced today and view the proposals in a mini exhibition, submit comments and ask questions.

Jean Stretton, Oldham Council Leader, said: “This is our biggest-ever forward planning exercise for Oldham town centre and it’s all about making sure that it is a place that has a clear plan for the future. Our consultation launch event at the Egyptian Room was very well attended and produced valuable feedback.

“It’s also important we take these plans around the borough – giving as many audiences as possible the chance to see them, have their say and help us to get this right. That’s why we’re trying to ensure there are consultation opportunities in every district and convenient places for the public to access. Every one of us has a stake in the future of Oldham town centre so we are asking all residents, partners, businesses and visitors alike to do your bit and help us to shape these plans.”

The schedule of consultation dates* can be found on the Oldham Council website at www.oldham.gov.uk/masterplan – and more will be added soon. Residents can also visit this address to have their say about the plans online.

Wed 11
Tommyfield Market
Thu 12
Staff drop-in session at Oldham Civic Centre
Wed 18
Chadderton Market
Tue 24
10am – 1pm
Crompton Library
Thu 26
10am – 12noon
Shaw Market
Wed 1
Tommyfield Market
Thu 2
1.30 – 3pm
Royton Market
Thursday 2
1.30 – 4pm
Royton Town Hall
Tue 7
Tesco – Featherstall Road, Westwood
Wed 8 Oldham Civic Centre*
*Drop-in session for residents and councillors from 4pm prior to Full Council meeting at 6pm
Fri 10
11.30am – 1.30pm
Egyptian Room, Old Town Hall, Parliament Square
Wed 15
Failsworth Town Hall
Fri 24
11am – 1pm
Chadderton Library and Wellbeing Centre
Thu 30
Delph Library
Sat 2
11am – 2pm
Brass Monkeys event – Oldham town centre*
* Consultation in Egyptian Room, Old Town Hall, Parliament Square
Wed 6
Uppermill Library
Thu 7
Staff drop-in session at the Civic Centre
Mon 11
Oldham Library and Lifelong Learning Centre
Tue 12
10am – 12noon
Greenfield Library
Wed 13
Lees Library



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