“Who Killed Santa Claus” by Terence Feely is playing at the Millgate Arts Centre, Delph from 19th to 26th November. The play is a contemporary thriller in the tradition of “Deathtrap” and “Dial M for Murder”.
Barbara Love is the star of a popular television show for children. Every Christmas, she throws a party for her staff, attendance at which is mandatory. As we learn early in the play, Barbara is the kind of boss who brooks no contradiction. But when Barbara receives an ominous threat that she will not live to see Christmas Day, it becomes clear that at least one member of her staff has had enough of Barbara’s irrational need to control people. Will Barbara survive her own party? And who on her staff wants her dead?
Those are the questions that are posed in a mystery critics praised for its suspense, its surprises and its devilishly clever twists ! Not so much a ‘whodunnit’ but more a ‘who’s going to do it’,
Playwright Terence Feely published this play in 1971. He also wrote television episodes of The Avengers, The Prisoner, UFO, The Persuaders, The Protectors, The New Avengers and The Return of the Saint. He died in 2000, aged 72.
Tickets on sale to subscribers November 1st, open sale November 8th. Tickets cost £7.50. Booking line 01457 874644, or e-mail bookings@saddleworthplayers.org.uk
The play is sponsored by Saddleworth Rotary. Doors open 7pm, show commences 7.30pm (no Monday performance)
For further details and information about the Millgate Theatre click here.