Diggle Community Association (DCA) is currently taking nominations for Diggle Heroes. Diggle Heroes are people who have made a vital personal contribution to the local community or have done something exceptional and worthy of public praise.

Last year Mike Hall and Olwyn Smith were given the top awards for their significant contribution to the community of Diggle.

Mr Hall was recognised for his work with Diggle Diamonds, Saddleworth Rotary Club, Kiln Green Church and various fund raising events and Mrs Smith for her long service to Diggle Band Club. Mrs Smith and her late husband Michael were stewards at the club for more than thirty years.

The closing date for nominations this year is the 30th November. Forms are available at Diggle Post Office , The Hanging Gate, the Diggle Hotel and the DCA website.

For more information about this event and the work of the DCA click here.



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