Providing something for young people in Diggle should be a priority

I have received an update from Diggle Bowling Club regarding the effect of the sale of land, which includes the bowling green, is having on them and its future.

‘Since the for sale signs were erected we have been plagued almost every night with youths around 18-19 years of age playing football on the green. Others continue to exercise their dogs on the green.  The reason given is that they think that the site including the green is now derelict.  The incidents are being reported to the Police and a new sign has been ordered to ensure that everyone knows that the green is still being used. The green will be officially opened on Friday 6th April, so we should be able to keep a closer watch on the area.  I understand that when the youths are moved on by the Police, they congregate around the back of the Church.’

It is a tremendous shame to the village that this is happening, and emphasises that providing something for our youth must one of the priorities for Diggle’s community and WM:CAG in particular.  The DCA have tried so often to provide facilities for the youth of the village to occupy them and help them expend their energy, but every time it comes back to something very simple: they want somewhere to go with basic facilities they can enjoy without being hassled.

They have told us time and again they want somewhere to play football and somewhere to hang out.  Simple.  Is it any surprise therefore that they see the sale of the land and the building as an opportunity to fulfil their needs?

Whilst we cannot and do not under any circumstances condone this current spate of behaviour, we can hear what they are saying, and if we listen hard enough we might just realise that if the village loses its valuable limited community resources we will be facing further issues just because we did not do enough when we had the chance.  We will also have failed our young community and that of the future whilst we sit back and watch this unique opportunity pass by.

Have your say now, before it is too late.  The survey is the collective voice of the community.  But the wrecking of the bowling green and the gathering of the ‘new Wrigley Mill congregation’ in its back yard, is louder than the results of the survey; its physical and a glimpse of the future life in Diggle village.

The links are:

For the ADULT survey  CLICK HERE



Ray Withnall

The views and opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not represent the views and opinions of the the editor. Letters may be edited.



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