Jo Taylor, a local Diggle resident, is a member of a group campaigning for better NHS care. She wishes to highlight the following:
Cure the NHS North West
Campaigning for better NHS care
- Have you or a relative had poor care in the NHS?
- Are you going through the Complaints Procedure?
- Do you know how to complain effectively and what to do about it?
Please read on…
A lot of distress and suffering has been caused to those people who experienced poor quality care and witnessed shocking standards at our local hospitals. We are united in our grief and outrage when people are neglected.
As a group of people, with shared experiences, we hope to meet the needs of our members by:
- Offering support to each other in addressing specific problems with local hospitals or at Coroner courts.
- Communicating effectively, to the local community, the extent of sub-standard practices we have experienced at our local hospitals that we want eradicated forever
- Campaigning for revolutionary culture change so that authentic patient centric care becomes the experience of every hospital user, visitor and staff member.
Cure the NHS was set up by Julie Bailey who’s mum died at the Staffordshire General Hospital in 2007. Now there is a full public inquiry taking place after many people came forward with similar allegations.
The groups have now expanded across England and The North West cure meet twice a month (see below) to help with complaints, letters, tips and also support each other through difficult and upsetting times. We have ALLexperienced poor care and some relatives have even died unexpectedly, so please know you are not alone.
Please come along to one of the meetings where you will be welcomed by people who have also had bad experiences.
Sunday (Bolton) 2.00 – 4.00 pm
Friday (Oldham) 6.30 – 8.30pm
Venue to be advised – please contact Janet Watkins.
Cure the NHS North West are a group of people who have lost relatives or were themselves victims of poor care and support at our local hospitals.
Please have a look on our website and
Contact details:
Tel : 07811 396981
Email :
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