Wrigley Mill


The Completion of the Sale of Wrigley Mill – July 2012

We understand that the new owners have officially taken over Wrigley Mill and that it will soon become a nursery with provision for community based facilities.

Whilst we welcome this news and look forward to a revival of community facilities, we are obviously disappointed that, despite a lot of hard work and effort by our community group the ‘Wrigley Mill: Community Action Group’, we were unsuccessful in our attempt to acquire the building on behalf of Diggle’s community.

Without the hard work put in by members of WM:CAG over the last nine months, Diggle residents would be left wondering if the village could have acquired the building for themselves.  We sincerely thank WM:CAG for their efforts. However, despite being unsuccessful, much of WM:CAG’s work can be built upon;

The resident’s survey showed that there is a strong appetite for working together to strengthen our community, and the DCA is planning to involve everyone in finding ways to provide some of the resources and activities that people said they wanted.

  • The WM:CAG committee has created energy and new ideas and through the DCA, it plans to work closely with all village groups for the benefit of everyone in Diggle.
  •  The DCA will be using the information gathered in the survey and the feasibility study (which will soon be available on line) to help build on the thriving community spirit that already exists in the village.

WM:CAG would like to thank you, the Diggle community, for the fantastic support  you showed to WM:CAG whether financial or your own time and effort to help the group in the attempt to acquire Wrigley Mill.  We also hope you join us in wishing the new owners every success in their venture.

We look forward to seeing a new Wrigley Mill being in the heart of the community for years to come, and look forward to your continuing support in forthcoming consultations and events.

Stuart Coleman

Chair, Diggle Community Association



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