Sherlock Holmes: The Drama at Kiln Green Church 26th-28th April 2012. Contact Duncan Rhodes: 01457872399

Quiz Night at the Diggle Hotel held every Thursday at 9pm with a charity quiz on the last Thursday of each month.

Diggle B Band and guest artists are playing at Springhead Congregational Church on Friday 27th April. Tickets are available on the door.

Clothesline Collection at Diggle School on the 27th April.  Drop off your unwanted clothes between 9am -10.30am. All funds go to the school.

The Diggle Whit Friday Committee are holding a door-to-door collection between the 6th –  13th May.

Coffee Morning and Table Top Sale in support of Christian Aid. Tea, coffee, toast and homemade cakes. Saturday 19 May 9.30am – 12 noon at Wrigley Mill Centre, Diggle. Ring 870538  to reserve a table!
Kiln Green are hosting a fashion show on the 25th May at 7.30pm. The event is organised by the Diggle PTA in aid of Oldham Bereavement Support. Tickets are only available from the Diggle School’s main office.

The Queen’s Jublilee: Diggle residents have organised a day of celebration with a full range of family activities at Diggle Band Club on Sunday 3rd June

2012 Summer Fete at Diggle School on 1st July. The event is organised by the Diggle School PTA. Further information is available at the school office.



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