Diggle Band

The programme for the Diggle Band Contest is now available from Diggle Post Office and Diggle Band Club at the remarkably low price of only £2! The programme has lots of interesting articles about Brass Bands, Whit Friday and interesting folk and stories from Diggle.

As always the Band Contest Committee are very grateful to all those who contributed to the programme be it articles or adverts as the sale of the programme goes a long way towards the costs of running the band Contest which this year will be in excess of £3000.

Brian Cliffe, spokesperson for Diggle Band Club Committee said, “Preparations are going extremely well and this year should be a great contest. With the event growing in popularity we do need a large number of volunteers to help on the day. We are looking for people who are prepared to help with a number of tasks, such as greeting the bands, helping with manoeuvring the coaches, marshalling the bands for the march, selling programmes and helping to keep the site litter free.”

If anyone could spare an hour (or more!) on the evening of 1st June, could they please contact Brian Cliffe on 01457 873901 or via email at: brian@cliffes.myzen.co.uk



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