Gallery of selected images taken at the 2014 Diggle Blues Festival

Garron Firth, Diggle Hotel (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Angelo Palladino, Woolyknit Cafe (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Backwater Blues Band, Kilngreen Hall (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Backwater Blues band, Kilngreen Hall (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Sons of the Delta, Hanging Gate (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Half Dead Clatch, Hanging Gate (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Backwater Blues Band, Kilngreen Hall (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Backwater Blues Band, Kilngreen Hall (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Mudcats Blues Trio, Diggle Band Club (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Blue Swamp, Diggle Band Club (Photo: Stuart Coleman2014)

Blue Swamp, Diggle Band Club (Photo: Stuart Coleman2014)

Dani Wilde and Todd Sharpville’s Dog, Diggle Band Club (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Relaxing with the Blues, Diggle Band Club (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Dani Wilde and Todd Sharpville, Diggle Band Club (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Mudcat Blues Trio, Diggle Band Club (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

John Otway, Kilgreen Hall (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

John Otway, Kilgreen Hall (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Dani Wilde and Todd Sharpville, Diggle Band Club (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Audience at Kilngreen Hall watching John Otway (Photo:Stuart Colemang©2014)

John Otway, Kilngreen Hall (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)

Dave Wood, Diggle Blues Founder and Organiser (Photo: Stuart Coleman©2014)